Awakening Intimacy - 6 Week Online Immersion
Sat, 26 Aug
'Awakening Intimacy' is a 6 Week Online Immersion for Women into the artful embodiment of present love. This is a foundation for being in intimate relating with all of Life for healing, wholeness and embodying your soul.
Time & Location
26 Aug 2023, 11:00 – 30 Sept 2023, 13:30
About the Event
You are invited to an "Awakening Intimacy" 6 Week Online Immersion for Women guided by Juliet Gaia
For women in relationship there is an opportunity to invite your partner to attend two additional calls after the 6 week immersion and to engage in couple sessions with Juliet.
For single women there is an opportunity after the 6 week immersion to engage in one-on-one sessions with Juliet.
'Awakening Intimacy' is part of Juliet Gaia's body of work which guides women on a journey of awakening into their feminine essence in union with the masculine essence within. A 3 hr retreat into the artful embodiment of present love and a foundation for being in intimate relating with all of Life for healing, wholeness and embodying your soul.
We will awaken the union of feminine and masculine essences, and the alignment of our heads, hearts and bellies / consciousness, love and sexual essence.
During this retreat Juliet Gaia will open the field of intimacy, guide Inner Union and partner practices and share transmission. There will be time for engagement amongst the group.
With this deepened Inner Union the layers of protection, conditioning/constructs and patterns that arise in the intimate relating with self, other and the world drop away. We become the embodiement of love with ourselves, with our intimate partners and with all of life.
The inner and outer relating is embraced to meet more of yourself in love, deepen your intimate relating with your partner, your families, your communities and awaken who you truly are in the world.
This 6-Week Immersion starting in August covers these themes:
* Deepen in present love with yourself, your partner/family/community
* Embrace the feminine and masculine essences within
*Open into the creative power, love and presence of the mature feminine and masculine
*Release the immature masculine and feminine layers which can sabotage your life and relationships
*Embrace and love your holy brokenness, your core wounding without changing, fixing or getting rid of your humanness
* Unravel your personal, ancestral and collective conditioning about relationship, sexuality and love
*Allow the death and rebirth of intimate relating, as the patterns and conditionings unravel
*Transform your projections and unconscious reactions in your intimate relating into love and truth
* Become awake in sexual attraction and love fantasy to open real raw naked intimacy
* Integrate the openings and closings, the pushes and the pulls to open deepened intimacy
* Align your three centres of being, your head, heart and belly, your consciousness, love and sexual essence
* Discover your sexual essence as life force awakening into your heart and aligning with your purpose
*Embody the frequency of 'purpose aligned love in action' in union with the being of the Earth
* Heal the collective sacred wound between the masculine and feminine to awaken love, truth and union in the world
* Embrace the gift of intimacy/relationship/sexuality/love as a path for transformation, healing and awakening
The Immersion is Guided by Juliet Gaia:
Juliet Gaia is the founder of Depths of Feminine Wisdom School and the Earth Soul Oracle Council. Her gift is to guide women into the remembering of who they truly are, through the awakening of the feminine in harmony with the masculine. Juliet is honoured to have touched over 2000 women in 20 countries around the world with her offerings of love.
Juliet’s primordial transmission awoke through immersing in nature opening into the depths, listening, feeling and sensing into the fine subtlety of the pure aliveness, potency, love and wisdom of the feminine moving through her body by uniting with the Earth. It was during this time that she received a clear message that she is here to birth the feminine into the world alongside women around the world. Juliet has been dedicated to this path for many years with a deep meeting of the masculine, the light of consciousness within her body, heart and head as truth, silence and presence in devotional love for the feminine.
Juliet has been touched by profound beings along her journey of awakening and is in honor to those who have come before her.
Juliet was born on the tip of Africa where she spent most of her waking life. She traveled four continents offering her body of work for some years. She now tends holy land in New Mexico with soul family and her beloved cat Sophia Rose. This land is a birthing ground for the Divine Feminine and Soul. Juliet holds annual in-person retreats on this land. She travels annually on pilgrimage to sacred places on the body of the Earth that are calling her to receive keys and to be of service during these transformational times we are living in.
Immersion Contribution:
* One payment of $333
* Three payments of $122
Date & Time:
Starting Saturday August 12th and shall continue for 5 more consecutive Saturdays!
We shall meet 11am - 1pm MST via zoom.
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