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Birthing Divine Body - Half Day Online Retreat

Sat, 08 Jul


Half Day Online Retreat

Birthing Divine Body is part of Juliet's body of work which guides women on a journey of awakening into their feminine essence. A 3hr retreat where we shall gather in circle to awaken the divine wildness, beauty and magnificence that we are.

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Birthing Divine Body - Half Day Online Retreat
Birthing Divine Body - Half Day Online Retreat

Time & Location

08 Jul 2023, 11:00 – 14:00 GMT-6

Half Day Online Retreat

About the Event

Birthing Divine Body is part of Juliet Gaia's body of work which guides women on a journey of awakening their feminine essence and birthing their souls. This journey is deeply healing and as the feminine awakens through our womanly bodies our lives become rooted in love, wonder, wisdom, grace, beauty and fullness. 

I invite you to a half day online retreat to awaken the divine wildness, beauty and magnificence that you are.  Join me and women from around the world of an array of ages and cultures to remember together, to open our hearts in love, to awaken our sexual essence in our bellies, to unite with the Shakti of the Earth and to be liberated from our conditioned ways of being.     We shall also sense, feel and listen to the divine pulse of life sharing wisdom, guiding, healing and birthing us into a deeper embodiment of our woman souls during these times.  The retreat shall include, transmission, guided feminine awakening practices, partner sharing, group sharing and personal engagement with me.   This half day retreat is offered once per year and is an opportunity to engage with my teachings in the most accessible way to all who are called to deepen into the Feminine, women who are new to my teachings and for women who are already immersed in my body of work.   


You shall receive a recording of the retreat for future engagement and access to the "Invitation into the Feminine ~ 4-Week Online Program" for one month.  Half-Day Retreat Contribution Sliding Scale: $44 - $66 - $88 11am - 2pm MST  

I look forward to this holy wild time together.   

With beauty,  

Juliet Gaia 

Depths of Feminine Wisdom School


The Retreat is Guided by Juliet Gaia ~

Juliet Gaia is the founder of Depths of Feminine Wisdom School and the Earth Soul Oracle Council. Her gift is to guide women into the remembering of who they truly are, through the awakening of the feminine in harmony with the masculine. Juliet is honoured to have touched over 2000 women and many couples in 20 countries around the world with her offerings of love.

Juliet’s primordial transmission awoke through immersing in nature opening into the depths. She has spent over thirteen thousand hours listening, feeling and sensing into the fine subtlety of the pure aliveness, potency, love and wisdom of the feminine moving through her body by uniting with the Earth. It was during this time that she received a clear message that she is here to birth the feminine into the world alongside women around the world. Juliet has been dedicated to this path for many years with a deep meeting of the masculine, the light of consciousness within her belly, heart and head as truth, silence and presence in devotional love for the feminine.

The feminine continues to awaken more deeply through Juliet, with the willingness to embrace all of humanity with love and presence. The feminine transmits through Juliet's being with grace sharing wisdom, transformation, power, nourishment, love and healing, birthing the soul petal by petal.

Juliet has been touched by profound beings along her journey of awakening and is in honor to those who have come before her.

Juliet was born on the tip of Africa where she spent most of her waking life. She traveled four continents offering her body of work for some years. She now tends holy land in New Mexico with soul family and her beloved cat Sophia Rose. This land is a birthing ground for the Feminine Divine and Sanctuary for the Soul. Through Depths of Feminine Wisdom School she offers online and in-person group programs and private mentorship for women on the embodied path of awakening. She travels annually on pilgrimage to sacred places on the body of the Earth that are calling her to receive keys and to be of service during these transformational times we are living in.


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