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Online Program






12 month Online transformational journey!


& optional

9 month Facilitation training

With Juliet Haines 





Juliet Haines body of work guides women into a remembering of who they truly are, through the

awakening of the depths of the feminine in union with the masculine.


this is a journey of embodying your divinity into humanity. 


With the awakening of the feminine through her body and heart, a woman’s radiant fire of love opens and she starts to live from her true essence. her layers of protection, patterns and conditioning become alive to be felt and released through her body. the depth of the feminine opens as she surrenders into the divine mystery of life. she listens and rests in her deep knowing and wisdom. Her body becomes filled with bliss, she embraces her power and her heart opens with joy.

with the awakening of the masculine in love and honor of her, a woman holds herself in presence. she has clear seeing and is in her sovereignty. She has vision, integrity, is dedicated to truth and in devotion to the awakening of the feminine.

Within the inner union a woman returns home to who she truly is, embodied in her divinity,
knowing why she is here, deeply rested within her being. igniting her love into the world from her soul. 
this journey touches the most tender places in our humanity beyond
the protective layers. meeting with love and presence. where true healing is birthed
between the masculine and feminine.
this journey births divinity into humanity, heaven on earth and brings our world into balance.
From this place of depth in surrender to the divine mystery of the fullness of life,
rising through her as love, she hears the song of her feminine wisdom, she remembers who she is. 
She is called to shine her unique essence into her intimate relationships, creations and the world.
When women support each other on this profound journey, grace emerges and sweetness of beauty blossoms.
It is through the awakening of the depths of the feminine, a new world is birthed.
This is our power and potential as women.
We invite you on this profound journey into the feminine with women across the world.
birthing a new humanity, with the masculine in devotion to her!
This journey is going to take sometime. It requires an intimate commitment to yourself for a year long remembering.
the women who have been dedicated to the inner transformational journey shall be
invited to join the additional 9 month Facilitation Training Program. 

Why Women CLOSE To The Feminine 


At essence women are pure life and love and this innocence starts to close down at core with their fathers. Trying to get their fathers attention and love the young girl creates strategies to get love, approval and validation.


She sees girlfriends at school getting more attention from boys so she starts to compare herself to her friends and compete for attention. Or she can cover her self up as she is getting too much attention and she wants to be liked by the other girls. As a teenager through media she receives images of what a desirable woman looks like so she tries to change her body constantly judging the way she looks.


She disconnects from her inner beauty and sweetness and becomes fixated about how she looks on the outside. She fears she is not attractive enough so she manipulates to get a man's attention. She sees how her mother is dependent on her father for safety and security and how unhappy her mother is so she decides to become highly financially independent and emotionally autonomous.


At some point she completely opens and fully loves a man and the man leaves her so now she holds her heart back and doesn't trust men.


When she achieves in life she is valued, but when she loves, deeply opens and feels she gets hurt so she focuses on achieving. She may settle for a safe man out of fear of being alone and not a man that touches the depth of her heart and body. Or she may do what her mother did and settle for a man that can provide for her and be a good father and companion. Her sexuality becomes another thing she is obligated to do or she uses her sexuality to get what she wants.


These layers of protection and conditioning form as tension, tightness and hardness in her body. Especially around her heart, womb, belly and yoni. Her feminine essence becomes blocked and her feelings repressed. Her body can form a flat straight shape and her movements can become directed and angular. Her true heart's longing becomes numbed and her feminine wisdom closed.


Deep down in the essence of who she is, as woman she has this longing this yearning that is calling her to awaken to the depth of love that she is and to shine her uniqueness into the world. To be in relationship with a deep man of integrity, committed to truth who ignites the depth of her heart and the radiance of her feminine love.


Juliet guides women through a deep transformational journey into the feminine, releasing these layers of protection in their bodies and hearts created through the collective conditioning and their experiences. Where women reconnect with who they truly are. Freeing themselves into pure life and love, resting within the core of their beings, embodying the masculine and their sovereignty, and creating from their unique essence in the world. She holds a transmission of the embodiment of the awakened feminine in union with the masculine. A journey spiraling inwards and downwards into the depths of Her. 



Sexual Awakening As Embodied Love - Juliet Haines
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Awakening Intimacy
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Sexual Awakening / Body Of Work - Juliet Haines
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JUN 2020 - april 2021


Women are guided by Juliet Haines, an international teacher, who has supported thousands of women across the world on this profound journey. 
* Awaken deep love and sovereignty through the inner union of masculine and feminine

* Remember who you truly are through the power and love of your divine sexuality 

* Embrace intimate relationship and the fire of love and truth, for your deeper evolution 

* Meet the tender layers of humanity beyond the protection with love and presence

* Embody your fire and power as a woman by surrendering into the depths of the earth

* Discover the mystery and deep surrender to life, the feminine filling you with grace

* Open your radiant beauty embodying your sexual essence into your heart and the divine

* Transform the collective conditioning, personal and ancestral patterning creating imprints of the masculine and feminine

* Explore the shadow and the light of the archetypal patterns in relating to release unconscious strategies 

* Embody your divinity with love in your intimacy with self, others and the world 

* Receive the divine masculine as truth, integrity, clear seeing, containment and devotion

* Deepen into who you truly are, where the divine masculine is in devotion to the awakened feminine 

this is a journey spiraling inwards and downwards into the depths of her rising through you as pure life

* Discover the path of awakening through the union of masculine and feminine essences within
* Embrace your sexuality for transformation and creating in the world from the depths of the feminine  

* Release collective conditioning, personal and ancestral patterning forming imprints of the masculine and feminine

* Embody the feminine as deep beauty and joy, passion and sweetness, wisdom and knowing

* Remember the divine mystery of life surrendering your body into the womb of the earth

* Receive your body as a temple of life opening to the elements moving through you 

* Honor your sacred yoni flower as inspiration and the gateway to the depths of her wisdom

* Receive healing of your sexuality, softening layers in your womb and receiving nourishment and holding


* Release the ways in which you have manipulated your power to get love, attention, validation

* Meet the deepest terror and rage of the power of all of creation moving through you as pure power

* Heal the deepest hurts between women over power and receive the love and support of women

* Embrace your purified power and opening from the earth into your heart

* Integrate polarity into the heart by embracing the dance of openings and closings in relationship and life
* Explore the shadow and the light of the virgin whore split to awaken divinity into sexuality 

* Return to your innocence and embody your wild and free nature


* Awaken the fire of love by healing abandonment, rejection and betrayal 

* Feel your vulnerability and meet your tenderness with love and presence
* Open to the divine feminine healing tender places within you and awakening you to Her

* Open your heart, deeply feel and embrace your longing as awakening you to deeper love

* Embrace intimate relating as a mirror for transformation to becoming more whole within
* Heal the sacred wound between the masculine and feminine within yourself and in the world

* Release the strategies of pushing and pulling in intimate relating

* Invite intimate relationship for your awakening, transformation and healing

* Embody the divine masculine holding presence, containment, truth and devotion to the feminine


* Embody who you truly are, your fullness in devotion to your divinity, your soul in form
* Know why you are here and birth your gift to the world, by surrendering to the deep feminine rising through you


* Form loving and supportive sisterhood relationships across the world


You shall learn a series of *EMBODYING DEEP FEMININE* practices engaging breath, subtle body movements, awareness and sound. Other processes involve journaling, contemplation, meditation, truthful reflection and sacred touch. 
All practices are to cultivate the awakening of the depths of the feminine in union with the masculine for embodiment of who you truly are in the world.
You shall be guided by Juliet and held in a safe and sacred year long container.




12 modules of live calls, teaching materials, mentoring and practices
*A live monthly "teaching session" 120min, video call with Juliet
​*A written PDF document of the teaching materials 
*Reflection questions for contemplation and digestion 
*Practice videos for each module demonstrated by Juliet
*A second monthly live "practice and mentoring session" 120min video call with Juliet
*private facebook group to share with the women on the program
*An online program portal to access all materials
*loving and supportive sisterhood relationships across the world
*a safe held container supported by Juliet's transmission
*deepened love with yourself, intimate relationship and with life
*surrendering into the depths of the feminine rising through you
*a path of awakening to who you are through sexuality, love and intimacy 

12 month online 




embodying deep feminine

June 2020 - April 2021!
registration is now open!





"I love the deep connections Juliet facilitates, both within our selves and each other. She transmits an exquisite presence of the Divine Feminine, meets women where they are and has a gift of holding women in soft love and laser sharp clarity. At one point in the workshop Juliet asked us to open to the feminine through subtle body movement. I looked around the circle of women and in that moment realized that I wanted to share my love, my life force with all the women. I began to dance from each woman to the next, offering my essence to them as an expression of my love. I came to Juliet and we began a connection of raw, pure power. My entire body pulsated with aliveness. It was apparently spellbinding, as described by the women watching. I felt so much life, fire flowing through me! This was revolutionary to realize how much I had inside. I continue to deepen into the feminine within myself and share this with my husband and the world. 

—  Janice Butler, Family Councilor for 30 years
What Women Say About Juliet Haines
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Ignite the  feminine into your throat as the power of truth.

Release all the pain from the times you have not spoken your truth and the suppression of your expression. Meet your fears that limit you from speaking truth and re-claim your authentic word. Bring presence to your spoken word for manifestation. Embody the sword of truth with love. 

Themes Of The transformational journey 

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Surrender your body into the divine temple of the earth. 

Soften and surrender your body into the divine temple of the earth nourishing you. Through this honoring meeting with your body, soften judgments and comparison creating tension and tightness. Meet the deep inner parts of humanity that push life down, that contract into fear and disconnection. Love yourself deeply and surrender into coming home. 


Transform how the feminine has been shaped by your conditioning, patterning and ancestral imprinting.

Create embodied awareness of how the feminine has been shaped by the experiences in your life, your intimate relationships, family, media, religion and institutions. Rest into the centre of yourself, open to what is true for you and where the feminine and life shall blossom through you.


Immerse with the elements awakening through you as Her. 

Feel the aliveness of the earth quiver through your body, the caress of the fresh air breathing you, the sensual waters of life undulating in your pelvis, and the sun lighting the fire rippling up your spine. Meet the parts of yourself that have been closed to life and surrender into the opening. Welcome life as an embodied prayer, being fully alive in this body. 


Intimately meet your yoni as the gateway to all of life

Heal the places that have been numbed or closed deep within your womb holding ancestral memory or the consciousness from past intimate relationships and hurts. Experience your yoni as a divine flower gateway connecting you with the aliveness of the earth, all of life. Come home into the feminine, the womb of creation, rest into the depth of your wisdom, knowing and aliveness.


Embody your true power through the release of the manipulation of power. Purify your sexual essence, as the power of life. See how you have closed due to the fear of the power of creation. Fully embody the rage of the feminine with consciousness. Release the misuse of power of manipulation. Embody your purified power, which does not move to manipulate, seduce or control. Surrender to deeper knowing where you are rested in the fullness of your power. 


Transform the shadow feminine archetypes of the virgin, whore and women’s union.

Release archetypal patterns where you have used yourself as a trade or withheld yourself. See if you hold yourself as virtuous. Meet how committed you are to yourself. Bring awareness to your fantasies of love relationship. Meet shame around expressing yourself fully. Transform the competitiveness between women. Bring the light of the archetypes into being as sisterhood, pure aliveness, full expression and sexuality as sacred.


Discover the depth of the feminine rising through you. 

Discover the feminine as receptivity, expansiveness and bliss. Open to the the feminine rising through you as pure life. Awaken to the transformational power of the feminine. Rest into the quiet surrender of her wisdom, knowing and remembering. Soften into the sweetness of her passion and beauty. Welcome your full range of feelings as aliveness moving through your body. Awaken to the feminine as the movement of life through you, and a journey of embodying your divinity.


Awaken the feminine into your heart. 

Open your heart, meet the places within that have been abandoned, rejected and hurt. Deeply meet yourself in presence and love. Connect with your breasts as the expression of your love in the world. Feel and express your heart’s longing. Let your longing open and take you deeper into love. Receive the rippling of the feminine essence into your heart as pure joy to be alive.


An intimate meeting of your inner masculine and feminine.

Welcome the masculine as holding the feminine in presence and awareness, a container to meet the depths of you in love. Fall in love with the masculine as emptiness, meeting the bliss of death and surrender. Transform the layers of unconscious masculine and feminine. Invite the divine masculine to penetrate truth through your body, shining light into unconsciousness and opening the depths of the feminine. Where He is in devotion and honoring to Her awakening. This theme shall be woven throughout the program. 


Open to the transformation of intimate relating for your evolution. 

Bring awareness and compassion to your projections and unconscious reactions in your intimate relating. Explore the polarities that are alive in relating such as attraction and repulsion, desire and fear, connect and disconnect. Beneath the pushes and pulls, protection and defenses, meet the vulnerability and tenderness with presence and love. Be in devotion to meeting yourself and other in truth. Create an awake relationship with attraction and desire. Embody love in relating and see the other as a mirror to become more whole within yourself.


Surrender into the depths of the feminine calling you into a movement of love, in service to the world.

Surrender into the devotional sacredness of life connected to your divinity. Open into the grace of death, empty out and release the old ways you have created. Let go of experience, all of existence and rest in the nothingness, into the blackness of the womb of creation. Listen finely within the subtlest new movements of pure life, from deep down in the earth, connected to the divine, in devotion to why you are here. Make divine love with yourself, your partner and the world. 





The women who have been deeply committed to the Mentorship Program will be invited to join the 9 month Facilitation Training Program. The Art of Facilitation from the Feminine Program is for women who have a deep call and a longing to support the awakening of the feminine in the world through their own unique offerings. 


On the Facilitation Training you shall embody practices to facilitate from the depths of the feminine, the love in your heart, the deep presence of the masculine and your soul light of being to create the most awake and loving present container for the women or people you serve in the world. 





This Facilitation Training is for women who hear the awakening of the feminine, in her full depth and radiance, will contribute to awakening of embodied love on the planet. The training will resonate with psychotherapists, somatic therapists, yoga and dance teachers, group-work facilitators, doulas, constellation therapists, body workers of any kind, life coaches and anyone working in the fields of

consciousness, love, sexuality and embodiment.

The Facilitation program Themes

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Open to your deepest calling, longings and motivations.

Explore your deepest fears to awaken your deepest longings.

Discover your conscious and unconscious motivations of why you would like to be a facilitator of the awakening of the feminine. Explore your desires and fears as you move more fully into facilitation. Open more deeply to your true calling and longing. 

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Develop the capacity to listen from your three centers of being.

Introducing listening as the core essence of feminine facilitation. Become a vessel of deep listening. Listen from your body as sensation, heart as deep feeling and love, and your silent mind as spacious awareness.

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Create a safe container where the women feel completely held.

Create the container for your body of work. Create a container for yourself before, during and after holding space. Rest within your soul essence, the core of your being, open as divine vessel. Create clear guidelines around self care, responsibility and respecting sacredness of what women share. Open the field of love inside your body to hold the subtle field of the container around the circle of women.

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Rest into your being and connect with your soul to create the invitation.

Open the field of invitation by resting into your being, this is where your soul essence is grounded inside of your body. In this field of invitation listen to your souls song. What are you here to sing into the world. Create your invitation through the weaving of your soul song grounded in your body, heart open and rested into the earth. 

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Feel the pain, shut down, fear as well as the bliss and expansion. 

Cultivate the shaman, the capacity to feel and listen to what is not being said. Meet the expansions and contractions, as sensation with the willingness to open and feel both. Move this through your body and the body of the earth. Process projections from the group. Support the release of trauma in a gentle and safely guided process. Become an open channel of love and presence welcoming all that arrises in the field.

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Guide women into the awakening of the feminine through their bodies.

Embrace the increased transformation that you will experience as a facilitator of the awakening of the feminine. Deepen into your facilitation style exploring the feminine archetypes. Discover the subtle keys in guiding women into the feminine in a held safe space. With breath, directed awareness, subtle movements and touch learn how to guide women into softening and opening to the awakened feminine in union with the masculine. 

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Tune into session theme in alignment with who you truly are.
Welcome women to your creation through deeply feeling them, opening the space and communications that resonate with your unique essence. Align the invitation themes to resonate with your soul song. Explore the structure and flow of your creation through group practices, wisdom, sharing circle, break out sessions, how to receive feedback, session timing and contemplations given.




Allow your inspiration to shine and move from your joy.

Explore space, time, structure, formats and channels in which to share your gift with the world. Create the agreements with the women you are serving which clearly creates self responsibility and holding of their own transformational journey. Receive the masculine in devotion to the awakening of the feminine rising through you and into the world. Open into the expansion of your body of work into the world, in service to humanity. 





I Would Like To Share A Part Of My Personal Journey With You... 


The beginning of my life path was somewhat conventional. I went to university and got married at an early age. I established a home and day-to-day working in an corporate environment. It was during this time where I was unable to rest, and started to realize the disconnection between my body, heart and soul. This began an enquiry of deep contemplation in my life, a longing to discover what love is and who I truly am. My body began to hurt and I heard the call within, that there is more to my sexuality, love and to life itself. I realized that I had created a life from my conditioning and not a life that was true to the depths of who I am. 


I was guided to meet my dear late teacher, Dr Shakti Malan who held an immersion of the feminine in nature. Here I embodied the awakening of sexual essence of the earth through my body. From this time followed five years of initiation into the feminine. I was moved to end my marriage and leave my corporate job. I spent hours daily immersed in nature opening to life rising through my body. This was an inward transformational journey into my heart as love and my body as radiant aliveness. There was much burning and transformation of old forms and ways I had put myself together, silence with no speech as the narratives dropped away, and feeling the vulnerability and tenderness of my humanity. I surrendered into the earth as the divine mystery of life, listening and receiving her love transmission, resting home within deep wisdom and knowing, feeling connected to all of life with much aliveness and bliss moving through my being. 


My sexuality went through a returning back home within, with no pushes or pulls, manipulations or controls. There was an emptying out of the patterning and conditioning from my personal past, lineage and the collective. I received a clear message that I am here to guide women into the feminine. The feminine continues to awaken more deeply within through feeling and healing layers of my humanity, through listening, and the willingness to meet myself with love and presence. My sexual essence moves through my body freely, as undulating spirals of bliss, sharing wisdom, transforming me and opening the depths of my essence, layer by layer.


This essence opens my heart into joy and connects me with the divine and from here I listen and move with life's call.


Through this journey I have embodied the divine masculine, which has been the end of abandonment. He holds me in a present spacious container of love, opens me into clear seeing, deep integrity and a dedication to truth. He is in devotion to the feminine awakening through me and into the world. 


I have worked with thousands of women between the ages of 20 and 70 years old across the world, a journey of birthing my body of work “Embodying Deep Feminine” in deep devotion to the divine feminine awakening on this planet, birthing a new humanity. 


It is an honor to guide women in their awakening.

I look forward to meeting the women who are called to this body of work. 


With love and devotion. 




JUNE 2020 - APRIL 2021

To show your interest in the 12 month online transformational journey,
'Request An Application' via The Link Below. 
Application for the nine month Facilitation Training shall be by invitation only during November 2020 and shall be held from January 2021 - September 2021
This Program is Offered on a monthly Payment Plan Or A Once-Off Payment Option*
We Are Offering A PART Scholarship For Those Women In need Of Financial Assistance Who Feel Deeply Called to Join The program. 
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© 2018 Juliet Haines

© 2024 Depths of Feminine Wisdom School. All rights reserved.

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